UNIPRO2 is a high quality ULV cold fog generator in compact design. The ULV method permits minimum application rate/area to achieve effective and economic space treatments for hygiene and pest control.
Equipped with interface for optional timer which allows for time-controlled fogging.
State of the art technology meets a modular system to cover various fields of application.
Design Features:
- Compact design: body completely made of stainless steel
- Acid resistant execution
- Bendable spray attachment
- Quick coupling system for optional spray attachments or hose extension
- Excellent droplet spectrum with an output of 10l/h / 2.7 gal. (US)
- Pure water < 25 µm , Oil (diesel) < 15 µm
- Operating pressure control by built-in manometer
- Build-in interface for electric timer
- Easy Cleaning and tool-free maintenance
- Quick coupling system for fast change of 20l / 5.3 gal. (US) solution tank
Optional extras : 20L tank, 5 meters and 10 meters hose extension
CE declaration of conformity IGEBA DEKKA, ISO 9001